Included with the Ride
Route Maps for the 15, 25, 37, 50, 62, 75 & 100 Mile Routes
Route maps will be available at check-in and GPS maps will be emailed to registered riders. The map will show all SAG stop locations, which are approximately every 15-20 miles. SAG stops will be open for a set time only, so check your map for times of operation. Roads will be marked with painted indicators for route directions.
Ride Food & Nourishment
Apple cider and apples will be available at the event location. The rest stops will have plenty of Gatorade, apples, bananas, cider, cookies, and high-energy snacks and when you return an all-you-can-eat spaghetti dinner will be available for all participants. Additionally, the Three Oaks Fire Department provides a Sunday morning an all-you-can-eat breakfast for purchase (available at registration).
Emergency Support and Gear (SAG) Vehicles & Repair Services
Roving repair vehicles will be on the routes for repairs and to pick up weary riders. Because of the great number of ACC riders, the Emergency and Repair SAG Wagons will be limited to those with justifiable needs. First attention will go to those whose bicycles have irreparable break-downs or a rider who has become ill or injured. Those riders who have simply tired in the early miles will receive last priority. Repair services will also be at each rest stop.
Ice Cream Social
Saturday night all riders are welcome to enjoy the Ice Cream Social at Dewey Cannon Park from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Music and popcorn will also be provided! Relax and enjoy the fall air before the big ride day!
Free Camping
There is space for tent camping and limited parking lot space for recreational vehicles at Watkins Park in Three Oaks. There are limited bathroom facilities and no shower facilities available, however. Watkins Park is located behind Harding’s grocery store in the southwest corner of The Village, 2 blocks from St Mary of the Assumption Church.

Schedule of Events
SATURDAY: Day before the ride
Early arrival check-in: 10:00 am to 9:00 pm EDT Saturday
This takes place at St. Mary of the Assumption Church. Please have your email and/or confirmation letter handy. Sorry, but no group pick-up of registrations. We want each rider to come in and obtain their wristband from us personally to avoid confusion and mistakes. Thank you for your understanding in this matter.
Afternoon Ice Cream Social: 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm EDT Saturday
We will provide refreshments and you can enjoy conversation and camaraderie in Dewey Cannon Park.
SUNDAY: Day of the ride
Parking: Starting at 5:00 am EDT Sunday
There are multiple areas throughout the Village. Please head to St Mary of the Assumption Church and you will be directed where to park.
Ride Check-In: 6:00 am to 12 noon EDT Sunday
This takes place at St. Mary of the Assumption Church. Please have your email and/or confirmation letter handy.
Riders arriving on Sunday should use Exit 4 (I-94) at Three Oaks from the west and Exit 12 (I-94) at Sawyer from the north and east. Signs and security personnel will direct you to the start and finish location.
Firehouse Breakfast: 6:00 am to 11:00 am EDT Sunday
An all-you-can-eat pancakes, eggs, sausage, and choice of beverage is prepared and served by the Three Oaks Fire Dept. at a cost of $8.00 for adults, while children 12 and under are free. Tickets may be purchased in advance via our online registration or at the door on the morning of the ride. Riders can renew acquaintances while enjoying the early morning preparations.
Ride Start Time: 7:30 am to Noon EDT Sunday
The Apple Cider Century has no official start time. You may start at any time after daybreak on Sunday morning. However we do insist that all 100-mile riders depart on or before 10:00 am EDT.
When choosing a route, riders may choose the flat 15/25 mile routes or the rolling hills of the 50/75 mile routes, if you’re not ready for a Century. The cyclists attempting their first century or looking for a real challenge will long remember the Apple Cider Century. You are free to set your own pace, the only requirement being that you finish the distance before dark. All riders must be off the routes by 7:00 pm.
All-you-can-eat Spaghetti Dinner: Noon to 7:00 pm EDT Sunday
Served at St Mary of the Assumption Church spaghetti dinner and a complete salad bar with a variety of toppings, fresh apple pie, french bread, cheddar cheese, and water, milk or coffee will be waiting upon your return from your ride!

Preparing for the Apple Cider Century
ACC offers routes from 15 to 100 miles, and a little preparation goes a long way!
As we are a late-season ride, most of our participants have been riding throughout the summer. If you are attempting the longer century route we do suggest some extra preparation. Increase your mileage/time on the bike by about 10% each week leading up to the ACC. Practice fueling during longer rides. Eating and drinking regularly on the bike is key to completing a century and you need to train your stomach as much as you do your muscles. Don't wait to eat until you're hungry. Keep working up your training and you'll reach your century goal in no time!
Bike: (of course)
Helmet: (highly recommended!)
Lights: While a mostly daytime event, lights provide visibility to cars that travel the roads.
Clothing: Weather can be unpredictable. Check your favorite weather app and bring clothes for all possible conditions! Some vendors offer clothing at the event, but may not always have what you need!
Emergency Packs: We will have roving SAGs to help in emergencies, but if you are able to carry your own gear for easy repairs, it may get you back on the road quicker at times.
Water Bottles: Hydration is key! Bring water bottles or other hydration packs. Refills will be available at SAG stops.
Nutrition: Make sure to keep your body fed! SAG stops will have plenty of food but you may need a little extra to keep you going!
Registration: Make sure to have your registration email handy.
ACC Hotline: Keep this number handy on the ride - 269-756-3361.

Cycling Safety
Safety for all participants is the prime concern of the ACC. Please obey all traffic laws and regulations.
We suggest using bike helmets, carrying water bottles and wearing bright clothing for general visibility and safety. Be safe – be seen! If you are accompanied by a personal SAG Wagon, make sure it stays off the routes and meets you only at food stops. Only the ACC provided SAG Wagons should share the tour routes with the cyclists. Every effort is made to make the ACC both enjoyable and safe. Please practice safe riding habits.
Be aware and be courteous!
Always stay to the right on the roads.
Stop at all stop signs. Cross when the road is clear!
Ride no more than two abreast. Ride single file when vehicle traffic is present.
Be aware of traffic both in front and behind you. Give vehicles plenty of safe room to pass and cross cycling traffic.
Watch out for children. Be careful of younger riders on the mixed sections of the routes.
Parents, be vigilant. Keep your children safe by keeping them with you and making sure they know the rules of the road.
On your/the left!
Faster riders passing from behind on left, move to single file and keep children out of cycling traffic. -
Car back!
Local traffic is approaching from behind. Move to a single file and to the right until traffic passes. -
Car up!
Car approaching from ahead, be aware of traffic approaching on narrow roads & and around corners. -
Call out for road hazards on the road for fellow riders. Be extra cautious!

When is the ACC?
The last Sunday of September.
How many riders participate?
Upward of 4,000!
Do I have to ride the route I picked when registering?
No, you can pick and route the day of the ride, that is just to better help plan for food and staff.
Where is the start and registration?
25 W Linden St, Three Oaks, MI
When can I pickup my rider packet?
All day Saturday and Sunday until noon.
Do I have to wear a helmet?
With so many riders, it would be impossible to enforce a helmet rule, however, we strongly encourage it! We want everyone to stay safe and take all the needed precautions for the ride, including a maintained bicycle.
Can I pick up my friends/family member's ride packet or rider wristband?
Sorry, as a general rule, each individual person must pick up their own packet and rider wristband.
How is the terrain?
Nothing mountainous, but we do have some hills. There are not too many on the shorter routes but the hills are more challenging on the long routes.
Can I register on the weekend of the ride?
No, there is no registration on the weekend of the ride.
Can I register just a non-rider or my 12 and under child?
No to both. Every non-rider or 12 and under child needs to be attached to a registered rider. If you have a registered rider and need to add a non-rider or child, just give us a call to do so. 269-756-3361.
Is the route map or GPS available before the ride?
No, due to possible last-minute route changes and other issues, we do not issue the route map until the weekend of the ride.
Where do I park?
Parking is available at the St Mary of the Assumption Church and there is parking just west of downtown Three Oaks off of US-12. (see map)
What happens if it rains?
The ride goes on rain or shine. Our volunteers are made of strong stuff and will be out to support you!
Are there vegetarian options at the SAG stops?
Of course... plenty of fruit and other options!
What if I get tired? Can I change routes?
You can take any of the routes offered on the day of the ride and change your mind at any time.
Will there be cider?
Of course!